Millers Oils Millermatic ATF MB-ECO Automatic Transmission Fluid, MB 236.15, 5 Litres
Developed to be used in Mercedes-Benz 7 speed 7G-Tronic Plus transmissions with Stop-Start functionality, from 2010 onwards.
Developed to be used in Mercedes-Benz 7 speed 7G-Tronic Plus transmissions with Stop-Start functionality, from 2010 onwards. Millermatic ATF MB-ECO has been designed to offer increased fuel economy to complement the 7 speed transmission technology.
Enhanced fuel economy
Outstanding low temperature fluidity provides easier shifting even at low temperatures
Shorter warm up ensures maximum gearbox efficiency
Excellent high temperature oxidation and friction stability properties throughout normal service intervals
MB 236.15
Specific Gravity @ 15C, g/ml 0.843
Kinematic Viscosity @ 100 Degrees C, cSt 4.4
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40 Degrees C, cSt 19
Viscosity Index 152
Pour Point, Degrees C <-45
Flashpoint, Degrees C >180
Brookfield Viscosity @ -40 Degrees C, cP 3,500
Colour Blue
Please note MB 236.15 specification is not backwards compatible to previous MB ATF specifications and it is not suitable for MB 9 speed automatic transmissions.