Millers Truckmaster 15w-40 CJ-4, E9, SN Engine Oil - 5 Litres

(1 l = £5.17)
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Delivery time: 2 day(s)


  • A 15w40 engine oil representing the latest in oil technology specifications, utilising a combination of Group II base oils, viscosity index improvers and performance additives.

A 15w40 engine oil representing the latest in oil technology specifications, utilising a combination of Group II base oils, viscosity index improvers and performance additives. Specifications: ACEAE9 APICJ-4 APISN CumminsCES 20078 CumminsCES 20081 CumminsCES 20078 Detroit93K218 DeutzDQC I-02 MackEO-O PP MANM 3575 Mercedes Benz228.31 MTUTYPE 2.1 RenaultRLD-3 VolvoVDS-4 Benefits: The latest technology API CJ-4 mid SAPS performance provides compliance with OEM specifications. The high specification formulation offers maximum oil drain intervals reducing downtime and filter costs.