Mannol Defender 10W40 A3/B3 Semi Synthetic Engine Oil, 5 Litres
- Mannol Defender 10W40 is a multipurpose multigrade semi-synthetic engine oil with hydro synthetic base for modern gasoline and diesel engines with and without turbocharge. It is produced with the use of unique StahlSynt wear-out reducing technology. It provides high degree of protection for new cars as well as for cars with big mileage. Prolongs periods between oil change. Mannol Defender provides safe engine combustion at high loads and frequent temperature changes.
Mannol Defender 10W40 A3/B3 Semi Synthetic Engine Oil Corresponds with requirements / specifications / products: SAE 10W-40 API SL ACEA A3/B3 MB 229.1 VW 501.01/505.00 Mannol Defender 10W40 is a multipurpose multigrade semi-synthetic engine oil with hydro synthetic base for modern gasoline and diesel engines with and without turbocharge. It is produced with the use of unique StahlSynt wear-out reducing technology. It provides high degree of protection for new cars as well as for cars with big mileage. Prolongs periods between oil change. Mannol Defender provides safe engine combustion at high loads and frequent temperature changes. CharacteristicsMethodUnitValue Density at 15°CD 1298kg/m³868 Flash point COCD 92°C224 Pour pointD 97°C-42 SAE-class10W-40 TBND 2896gKOH/kg9,2 Viscosity at -25°CD 5293CP6276 Viscosity at 100°CD 445CSt14,07 Viscosity at 40°CD 445CSt95,34 Viscosity indexD 2270151